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Children's Ministry

1.      Our Goal at YOUNG LIFE is:


·         To help equip the children with the knowledge and tools to stand firm in a dying world.Hebrews 13:21, 2 Peter 3:18

·         To instruct, encourage and help guide them into freely worshiping and praising our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Chron. 16:9

·         To help teach the children how to apply the Word to their daily lives. Proverbs 2:1-5

·         To teach that prayer and communion with the Father is the first thing to turn to in all situations. Matthew 6:33

·         To help turn their hearts toward the ONLY person that can supply all their needs. Philippians 4:19


2.      Mission


Our mission is to help each child discover their God-given potential through Christ-like attitudes, servanthood and discipling.

·         to meet children at their level of development

·         to teach them the love of Christ and the joy of His forgiveness and salvation

·         to help them learn the truth of His Word

·         to encourage their growth within the body of Believers


3.      Our Philosophy: Children are Treasured at MRIDMI


4.      Our Vision for Children:

… that they will know Christ
… understand His Word
… grow in their own spiritual walk
… be able to share the love of Christ with others

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